Basics of Coordinate Metrology
Unit 5:  Geometric Combinations - Angle

Step 4 of 8


Angle Line Plane Cylinder
The specified angle of two intersecting lines is always the smaller of the two possible angles a and b. Hence: a + b = 180°.

The angular relationship of non-intersecting lines is specified by the angle between the two direction vectors of the lines.

The angle is the angle between the normal vector of the plane and the line. It is measured at the piercing point of the line through the plane.

The angle is the angle between the cylinder axis and the line. The specified angle is always the smaller of the two possible angles a and b. Hence: a + b = 180°.

If the cylinder axis and the line do not intersect, the angle between the two direction vectors is specified.

The angle between the line and the plane is measured at the piercing point of the line through the plane.

The angle taken as the angle of two non-parallel planes is the angle between the two normal vectors of the planes. The specified angle is always the smaller of the two possible angles a and b. Hence: a + b = 180°.

The angle is the angle between the cylinder axis and the normal vector of the plane.